April 26-27, 2023 /Bangkok, Thailand
Hot topics
Current Situation Analysis and Development Trend Prospect of ASEAN Carbon Neutrality;
Analysis and Trend Prospects of Thailand Carbon Trading Market& Carbon Tax;
How Can Financial Sector Support Decarbonization in Asia Region;
How EV Industry Accelerating Business Growth while Targeting Carbon Neutrality;
Explore ASEAN’s Net Zero Transformation for Agriculture and Food Sector;
Innovation and Transformation of Industrial Sustainable Development-How to Achieve Decarbonization through Supply Chain Collaboration;
Scientific Energy Management Scheme Accelerates Enterprises to Promote Low-carbon Transformation;
Unlocking the Role of Renewable Energy in Achieving Energy Transition Goals;
Panel discussion: Opportunities and Challenges for Carbon-neural Pathways in ASEAN;
How Does the Solar Industry Help ASEAN Achieve Carbon Neutrality?
The Road to Carbon Neutral Transformation: Application and Trend Outlook of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology (CCUS);
Green Manufacturing: Advancing Technologies Towards a Sustainable Future;
The Latest Technical Standards and Certifications for Carbon-neutral Measurement;
Towards a Decarbonized Future: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Application on Shipping Industry;
Digital Energy and ICT Transformation Facilitates Thailand BCG Economy and Implements Carbon Neutral;
How to Empower low-carbon transformation with Technological innovation;
Case Study: How to Achieve Net-zero Carbon Emissions and Sustainable Development in Singapore's Airline Industry;
Practice and Exploration of Carbon Management in Steel Industry;
To get more information,please click Registration consultation:http://www.ecvinternational.com/ASEANCarbonNeutral/
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